On Monday, Colleen promoted to what I like to call pre-pre-K! You know, the class before pre-K! It's known at school as the 3 year old class, but I think pre-pre-K sounds better! ;) We loved Colleen's class last year and her two fabulous teachers and this year is no different (well...one minor bump in the road, but that problem has been resolved already!). She has a great teacher in Meme and is in a class with about 13 other 3 year olds. This school year will have a more "academic" focus with learning letter sounds and writing letters. I, of course, am happy to say that Colleen already knows how to write some of her letters, so some of this may just be a refresher course for her!!!
It is so fun to watch her develop and learn more and more each and every day. I love the things that she says and many times she provides me great entertainment with the words and phrases that come out of her mouth. At times, it seems she is such a mature little girl - until she goes into silly mode. Which for some strange reason, seems to occur right at bedtime most nights! She picks up on things Russell and I say, and sometimes uses our own words against us! But what else is a 3 year old, or should I saw almost 4 year old, supposed to do! It's all part of growing up.
We have been going to our pool lately and Colleen has added a few more tricks to her list! She now does the jump and spin, jump and sit, and jump and tuck! Each one requires such precise timing and movement - JUST KIDDING! She still does each jump from the top step of the ladder and once we saw the jumps and named them, she will do a jump by name on demand! It's so funny. I haven't managed to get them on video yet (I know, shocking for some of you)! But I will try before swimming pool season is over. She is also becoming more comfy in the water with attempts to hold her nose and put her face in. You would think since she goes completely underwater with the jumps, that putting her face in would not be a big deal, but she has yet to attempt it until recently.
Well, I think that's about it for an update! Check back soon for more!
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