So Colleen is so expressive and we never know what will come out of her mouth. I have said time and time again, it seems like her vocabulary grows with new words EVERY DAY! But also, new phrases and sentences, and longer words, phrases and sentences too! She just amazes with what she says and does. Not only does she amaze me, but she provides me with a lot of laughter as well! Colleen has commented on cars being pretty and always wanting to go faster or pass someone. One day on our way to work, she all the sudden said, "ohhhhh, pretty"! I asked her what was so pretty. She said, "that green car up there" pointing to a green volkswagon bug in front of us. Then she says, "Mommy, I want in the white car up there" (it was in front of the green bug). I told her we couldnt get in the white car, it was not ours. She said, "Mommy, I want to buy that white car". I asked her why...her response, "Because they are going faster than you!"! Gotta love her.
She is also putting concepts together. I have been driving Russell's truck lately, and she told me I needed to be careful driving daddy's truck so I didn't hurt it b/c daddy might get mad if I hurt his truck!
She will be promoting to a new class at her school on Monday. I am happy and sad at the same time. Not only is it an indication my baby is growing up, but it also means she will no longer have the two fabulous teachers she has had this last year. Ms. Patty and Ms. Amber are amazing and we have been so lucky to have had them. However, she will be getting another awesom teacher in Mimi.
Colleen & Ms. Patty
Colleen & Ms. Amber
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