Sunday, April 18, 2010

Future Champion in the Making!

Well, I knew it would happen knowing Russell...Colleen would have a real bow early in life! Well, this past Christmas, guess what she got - A REAL BOW! Well, it took us a little while to get arrows with components that would work with the bow. Thanks to Toby at Double B Archery, Colleen got some Easton Jazz. However, those still didn't work off the shelf. So, we had to order some different pieces for the arrows to make them work for her...BUT, Russell made it happen. After thinking it over for a little while, he decided to cut the arrows off like he would for an adult bow and they just be passed the her arrows in turn, ended up being about 14" long!

Well, it rained most of the morning, so the ground was pretty wet. Russell has been doing some fine-tuning to his equipment and everytime he went outside to shoot, she wanted to go! After a little while, she finally got her turn. After telling her she couldn't shoot in her dress-up shoes, we finally got her changed and outside and boy did she do great for the first time. She seemed to do well with Russell giving her some pointers on where to place her fingers on the strings and not letting go of the bow when you shoot it! Our only hiccup was when we started working with her on holding the bow arm up more to get the string closer to the face...the string got her arm and it did not go over well! Needless to say, next time, we will have a sock for an arm guard on! As you can see, she didn't do too shabby!

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