So much to do, so little time it seems! As 2012 came and went, I remembered a resolution I had - to update the blog at least once a month. Well....I did good for about 3-4 months and then fell off. So, here is shooting for the goal again! 2012 was a great year and I can only hope and pray that 2013 is better. I had several resolutions in 2012 and for the most part, I did well with them. The blog was probably the one that I "failed" at. In 2013, some of my resolutions are a continuation of 2012 and I added a few as well.
I would like to continue to grow my relationship with Christ and be more open about it. I don't want to feel I am hiding the relationship because of what others may think. Don't be afraid to let others know how I feel about Christ. I am still a work in we all are. Just at times and in certain areas, I feel like I could use more work than others! I am also trying to get better at reaching out to other followers when I need help with something. Luckily, I have a lot of friends who are open and proud of their relationship that help me when I need it!
In 2012, Russell and I got better with our finances thanks to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University class. We still have some learning to do, but we are better off now than in the past. It is definitely a learning process and figuring out what is truly important in life. Also, realizing that this is God's world we are living in and everything we have is his and we just borrow it...including our money!!
Of course, how could I have a post about the year without talking about my pride and joy...Colleen and Cambryn. In 2012, Colleen started kindergarten and turned 6. She had a great year. She played soccer in the fall and did a fantastic job. We can't wait until the spring to watch her again. She is doing fabulous in kindergarten as well. She could not have been blessed with a better teacher, Ms. Rebekah Smith. She is fabulous with her and Colleen just loves her. As a matter of fact, over the 2 week Christmas break, Colleen is devastated that she doesn't have school because she misses her teacher and can't learn or do homework! Cambryn turned 1 in August and is just a delight. She is the happiest baby I have ever seen. She is always smiling. She loves playing and is great at eating! She is not picky at all! God blessed me with two amazing little girls and I could not be more thankful to him for it.
Also, how could I not talk about Russell and his shooting. Russell didn't get to as many shoots as he would like, but he did amazing at the ones he did go to. His biggest accomplishment was placing 4th at the World Archery Festival in Las Vegas. He has made it to the Vegas shoot-off two years in a row now and this was his best finish and the Vegas shoot-off is probably the most intense shoot-off and the toughest to get to. I have faith that he will win this prize one day!
Well, I will leave this post for now. As I stated in 2012, this blog will not only used to update on our family, but also for me to express any views or opinions I would like! I wish everyone a happy, safe, and blessed new year.